FaNs Launch - picture gallery!

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Some photos taken during the launch of Fans on 9th June 2014

Brian Mister welcoming FaNs to the launch
Brian Mister welcoming FaNs to the launch

The afternoon opened with Brian Mister chairman of My Home Life Community Association welcoming everyone to the launch of FaNS and thanking all those who had worked together in preparing for this day.

Paul Burstow MP
Paul Burstow MP

A short keynote address was provided by the former care services minister Paul Burstow MP who was an invited guest for the occasion.

Community Volunteers
Some Community Volunteers - Vi, Lisa, Amy and Alice

During the afternoon a number of presentations were made including one by Lisa Carpenter describing her experience working as a Community Volunteer.

Babs Loveless
Babs Loveless

Babs Loveless, a resident in Freda Gunton Lodge Colchester, described her experience of working with youngsters who regularly visit her home and how much she and others appreciated the opportunity to chat with them.

Young and old FaNs
Some young and old FaNs who attended the launch

FaNs is for everyone! Represented at the launch were representatives of local church and scout groups as well as a number of primary school children, all of whom regularly visit care homes in the Colchester area.

FaNS outside n the garden at St Fillians
FaNs outside in the garden

After the formalities were over, everyone moved outside to enjoy the warm and sunny weather and chat with other FaNs while enjoying some refreshments.

Frankie - keyboard entertainer

During the afternoon, we were entertained by Frankie Coulter, a local pianist who played a selection of musical items on his keyboard.