When you are on a great horse, you have the best seat you will ever have....Winston Churchill

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Ex jockey Keith enjoys the best seat in the house at Newmarket Races

Keith an ex professional jockey and a resident at Colonia Court in Colchester, had a wish to return to Newmarket where he used to race. He wanted to spend some time behind the scenes visiting the paddocks and watching the jockeys and horses preparing to race.

FaNs contacted the Injured Jockey's Fund and arranged for them to host Keith and his family at Newmarket for the day. Keith who suffers from Huntingtons disease was treated to lunch in the owners and trainers enclosure before heading to the paddocks to meet fellow Jockey and friend Robert Havlin before he raced.

He was then given prime position to see the Horses and trainers before, during and after their races.

It was a wonderful day of reminiscence for Keith, with a number of people recognising him as a former jockey.

I cannot tell you how good it was, Keith had the best time

Nicky, Carer, Colonia Court

It was so lovely to enjoy a day out with him as Keith's wife, enjoying his company, rather than caring for him.

Keith's Wife