Happiness Comes The Way The Wind Blows

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A Blustery Walk and Talk in Maldon

There was a distinct change in the weather between this weeks Maldon walk and talk and our last. With the first session being so hot that ice cream was dripping down peoples arms, this weeks weather meant ice cream was refused by some, due to the cold!

However, the wind did not dampen anyones spirits and the residents of Squeaks House enjoyed a stroll along the Maldon Promenade despite the moody grey sky!

After a short time battling against the wind, we sat and had some refreshments and the residents enjoyed stroking Cassie the dog who had joined us with her owner Loretta.

We then moved on to the petting zoo where residents enjoyed looking at the llamas, guinea pigs, skunks and even reindeer!

On the way back to the bus, the residents were on the look out for conkers to place around the home to deter spiders! Thanks to the wind there were plenty to collect.

I haven't walked so far in ages....I'll probably go back to the home and have a lovely sleep.

Ann, Resident