Read how one of our original volunteers gained confidence to return to employment

Joanna lives in Clacton with her partner and four lovely children, the youngest of whom is just two years old. She was a volunteer visitor for well over a year, and would like to encourage others to enjoy the kind of benefits she receives from making such a commitment.

Initially, Joanna lacked confidence and didn’t relish the prospect of trying to return to employment. Thanks to the experience she gained in volunteering at her local care home her attitude is now totally transformed!

Anyone would admire Joanna’s enthusiasm, and the way in which she is able to juggle the many demands on her time and attention. She became an Activity-Co-ordinator in St. Michael's Care Home in Clacton helping support residents who have dementia. She has been studying hard and gained her level two in the "Health and Social Care" diploma course (NVQ). Alongside looking after her young family and volunteering, in her ‘spare’ time Joanna goes to college and is taking a First-Aid course.

Joanna speaks very highly of the friendship she receives, not only from the residents and their relatives but also from the Staff and the Nuns who always show her support and understanding. They make it possible for her to be flexible, which is of course essential for anyone who has children to care for.

Joanna would like to encourage anyone thinking of volunteering that "if you are only able to spare even one hour a week, it would be well worth it! You would meet nice people and get more confident."

That's great advice, Joanna. Thank you!

FaNs volunteering offers everyone a chance to benefit from Getting Involved!

If you are already a volunteer benefitting from being a FaN don't forget to share your story with us.